Evangelize by Walking Around

John takes daily walks in our neighborhood. Others walk in malls. Still others prefer spending “down time” in a cafeteria or a lounge. Perhaps Jesus even enjoyed walking as part of his “down time.” If so, we are inspired by the choices Jesus made while walking near someone like Zacchaeus, or the two shouting blind men in Matthew 20:29, or the children in Matthew 19:14.

One Sunday, our pastor shared his response to Pope Francis’s invitation to stop and give to the poor, without judging them. At first, Father was indignant, but then he realized it was God’s invitation as well.  John was moved by Father’s sharing. First, John began to really notice the homeless people begging in the streets where he walks. He responded by giving a dollar or two, whether passing by in a car or on foot. Each time he would ask the person’s name, so he could greet them by name later on.

Pope Francis calls this effort the “art of accompaniment,” whether while walking, or in a mall, or at a cafeteria.  As John’s relationships grew stronger, he would stop during his walk for a few minutes and ask one of the regulars, “What’s happening?” He learned that some live in the nearby woods. Some others are sick and without health insurance. Some are vets suffering from PTSD. Still others are alcoholics or drug addicts; some in recovery, some not. But all are on the sharp, bleeding edge of human survival.

And also, John prays for each one; before, during, and after their greetings or conversations. Most respond very well when he mentions that he is praying for them. If someone does, John considers a conversation about the presence or absence of God in his or her life. Once he prayed aloud with a twenty-two-year-old, homeless and severely disfigured man, for relief from an advanced form of stomach cancer. He admits that this kind of “walking” can sometimes be a frightening adventure, but John is happy to call the people that he has met his friends. Many now greet him with a smile and a “Hi, John!”  

Please pray with us for the people you are tempted to pass by on your walk through daily life. “Come, Holy Spirit, Father of the poor, the neglected, the lonely! Give me the Father’s eyes to see each one. Grant me the compassion of Jesus, as I accompany these sisters and brothers through daily life. Amen.”

About Terry and John

John and Therese are Educators and Authors. At present, Therese is writing historical fiction, while John offers spirituality workshops online. Between them they have written many books. They both hold a Masters Degree in Religious Education and have worked for the Dioceses of Rockville Centre, NY; Trenton, NJ; and Worcester, MA. John and Therese are the parents of five and the grandparents of five.
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