‘Is This Your Dream Job?’

John recently experienced the power of asking questions that have evangelizing potential. It happened during a conversation with a young EMT, named Josh, during John’s ambulance ride. John asked Josh how he became an EMT. Josh explained that his parents were from both the United States and Syria. So, he is in pain about many relatives who are in serious danger.  Then, at one point, he realized that he could act on his concerns, by helping others where he lives.  So, he became an EMT.

John put his own medical needs aside and asked, “So is this your dream job?” John’s question propelled them into a deeper conversation about life, love, and loss, until Josh became choked up. “I want more out of life! I am exhausted from being an EMT during the pandemic. And now, I barely make enough to live on”. John also learned that Josh is searching for a new job, where he can continue to help others. And he wants a relationship with a woman who shares his values and spirituality. He was raised Christian but stopped believing in God, after his parents’ divorce and when faced with all the suffering in the world.

John’s response was to ask Josh if he ever prays. He said yes. Then John admitted, “I am a Christian and I believe that Jesus can fulfill our deepest longings. Would you pray with me?” Then they prayed together for a few moments, just before their trip ended. If John had more time, he might have shared about how Jesus had fulfilled one of his deepest longings. But it was a short ride, so all John could do was to pray that Jesus will help Josh through another believer. Through someone willing to continue the same kind of conversation.

After John’s arrival, he thanked God for the opportunity to stop thinking about himself and to listen carefully.And he thanked the Holy Spirit for the courage and compassion to ask questions with evangelizing potential. Questions that touch upon the meaning of a person’s life. Questions that uncover the desire to live a happier, fuller, and better life. Questions that allow another person to voice what is most important. Examples include: “What is it like to….?”, “What do you hope will happen next in your life?”, “How is life treating you?”, “Is this your dream job?… your dream relationship?… your dream family life?”, and for some in trouble, “What gives you strength during this difficulty?”

Pope Francis describes this kind of evangelization as springing from paying careful attention to others, which he calls “the art of accompaniment.” (The Joy of Evangelization, 169) It is meant to be a life-long approach to people around us through: praying and caring for them, sharing our own faith with them, and daring to invite them to take the next step in their spiritual growth.

About Terry and John

John and Therese are Educators and Authors. At present, Therese is writing historical fiction, while John offers spirituality workshops online. Between them they have written many books. They both hold a Masters Degree in Religious Education and have worked for the Dioceses of Rockville Centre, NY; Trenton, NJ; and Worcester, MA. John and Therese are the parents of five and the grandparents of five.
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