Who Will You Be with This Christmas?

Many government and health organizations recommend that we limit in-person, holiday celebrations to the members of our immediate households. But what if we have not seen family members for several months? What if you, or I, live alone? And what about children or elderly, who aren’t emotionally capable of tolerating our absence? What about the awful pain of isolation?

There is no easy answer, only one word, that we are called to grasp and to celebrate in whatever way we can –Emmanuel.

Emmanuel. Jesus is with us. Jesus has pitched his tent among us. Jesus lives in my home and in yours. Jesus is the greatest gift of love to all of us. Jesus has conquered every obstacle to hope and peace. How will you acknowledge the presence of Jesus on the day of his birth? A Christmas hymn sung out loud, an online Mass? A birthday cake? A livestreamed event? A solitary visit to a nativity display?

Abba, Father. Knowing Jesus is to know the one who sent him to be with us. The Father created each of us at our conception. The Father is intimately connected to each of us, sustaining us at every moment. Giving us breath. Holding us, and protecting us. Constantly recreating us, and challenging us to move forward.  How will you celebrate being the Father’s child? Being a sister or a brother to significant people in your life? A phone call? An internet visit? Mailing gifts? Raising your arms to heaven, asking for Abba’s blessing upon each loved one, by name?

Beloved Holy Spirit. Jesus was conceived by the Holy Spirit, brought to birth through the Virgin Mary and the Holy Spirit. This same Spirit stands beside us as advocate, mentor, helper. Come Holy Spirit. Our most welcome guest. Our greatest Comforter. Our Light in darkness. Our Living Flame of Love. How will you realize –make real –God’s Holy Spirit on Christmas Day? Will you open your door and say “Come Holy Spirit?” Will you pray with a candle? Will you move, dance, or walk through the strength of God’s Holy Spirit?

 Remember. You are not alone.  Not a single person on the face of this earth is alone. This is the Gospel Message. The Better-than-Good News. And Yes. All the difficult feelings and separations we endure this year are very real. But so is Jesus, the Christ, our Emmanuel, Son of the Father, the one who unleashes the Holy Spirit within us. So, let us celebrate, with or without tears. 


About Terry and John

John and Therese are Educators and Authors. At present, Therese is writing historical fiction, while John offers spirituality workshops online. Between them they have written many books. They both hold a Masters Degree in Religious Education and have worked for the Dioceses of Rockville Centre, NY; Trenton, NJ; and Worcester, MA. John and Therese are the parents of five and the grandparents of five.
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