SHUTDOWN Wisdom and Antidotes

This was one of those days when the daily readings jumped off the page. In less that twenty-four hours after the President’s address about a government shutdown, here is what appeared. And also, what struck us about each reading.

From John 4:11-18

God is love, and whoever remains in love remains in God and God in him… There is no fear in love, but perfect love drives out fear because fear has to do with punishment, and one who fears in not yet perfect in love.

When we face a SHUTDOWN, whether it is of government services, a relationship, a store in the mall, or a vital organ in a loved one’s body –what is our immediate response? Panic, fear, anger? This passage reminds us to look at our capacity to love in such a situation. “Maybe, I am not perfect in love!” becomes an important insight.  And, “How can I love all the persons being impacted in this situation?” is an important next step.

From Psalm 72:1-2

Lord, every nation on earth will adore you… [Because God] shall have pity for the lowly and the poor.

Do we have more confidence about God’s loving intervention in our individual lives, than we do in God’s love for our whole nation? Do we seek the aid of our patron saint, Mary? Do we believe that Jesus is redeeming our country, even now? Do we praise Jesus for his love for our nation?

From Mark 6:45-52

[Jesus] saw that they were tossed about while rowing, for the wind was against them… [So] he came toward them walking on the sea. He meant to pass them by… [But] they had all seen him and were terrified… [His response was] ‘Take courage it is I.”

Jesus is like the mother of a sick child, who listens as the door in the middle of the night to be sure that her baby is well. Jesus is paying attention when we are in trouble. He is close at hand. Our wellness, whether it is physical, emotional or political, is part of his redemptive desires for the human race. Do we strive to see him more clearly? Do we offer Jesus our nation? Do we serve the common good in ways that are aligned with Gospel values?

So let us seek and praise God together.

About Terry and John

John and Therese are Educators and Authors. At present, Therese is writing historical fiction, while John offers spirituality workshops online. Between them they have written many books. They both hold a Masters Degree in Religious Education and have worked for the Dioceses of Rockville Centre, NY; Trenton, NJ; and Worcester, MA. John and Therese are the parents of five and the grandparents of five.
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